Green Innovation and Development Centre

Vision & Mission

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Vision: GreenID envisions sustainable development for Vietnam and the larger Mekong region based on improved governance of the environment, good natural resources management, and widespread use of green technologies and production ...

Sustainable development for the citizens of Vietnam and the larger Mekong region based on widespread use of green, innovative technologies and methods as well as improved governance of the environment and natural resources.


GreenID works to achieve fundamental change in the approach to sustainable development by promoting the transition to a sustainable energy system, good environmental governance and inclusive decision processes


GreenID applies an evidence based, solution oriented and inclusive advocacy approach to catalyse for fundamental changes in mind-set and action towards sustainable development.


GreenID sees itself as a constructive innovative local voice in the the effort to promote continued economic growth without depleting natural resources or aggravating human's negative impact on the local and global climate.

Teams and Topic:

Research, Green Community and Advocacy & Network are three main pillars of GreenID. We work hand in hang in three key fields of activity: Sustainable Energy, Water and Air Governance and Green Development