Project Title: Promoting local low carbon and sustainable energy initiatives and lessons learned in Vietnam and globally
Objectives of the project
Overall objective: To improve GreenID's and KEPA's learning on climate change, climate justice, adaption/mitigation, effort sharing, climate finance, representation of civil societies and vulnerable groups in international and national climate
Specific Objectives:
- To exchange information and analysis on local initiatives and experiences relating to GHG reduction in Vietnam and Finland
- To share information and view points on local initiatives and knowledge related to sustainable energy in Vietnam and relating policies e.g. renewable energy.
- To participate in a survey on 'effort sharing'
- Survey on local knowledge and initiatives related to sustainable energy in Vietnam
- Join the effort sharing survey in partnership with Thai Climate Justice Network TCJ and Kepa
- Produce educational material on green development, low carbon models in Vietnam
- Create a mobile exhibition on sustanable energy that can be used in Vietnam and globally
- Conduct an assessment on contribution of low carbon and sustainable energy initiatives and green development solutions to the response to climate change (to what extend it contribute to reduce GHG emissions)
- Share and promote knowledge and practices related to climate justice, sustainable energy topics, to public audience, particularly young population and media in various media channels, including social media (partially funded by Kepa)
Project duration: from June 2013 to December 2013