In response to Earth Day 2021, from April 20th to 22nd, Sao Xanh Club of Nguyen Trai Secondary School has responded to Earth Day through many practical activities from its begin to now.
Grand opening of The Agriculture Cultivation in combination with Solar Energy Model in An Giang, Vietnam.
On March 25, Sao Xanh Club at Nguyen Trai Secondary School held a club activity with the theme of Energy Audit. This is a very new topic that appeals to the children. The session has partly appealed the attractiveness of this topic during a lot of exciting activities.
An inception workshop held on 25th March 2021, Hanoi Club Hotel, Hanoi
In the eager atmosphere of the very first day back to school, Sao Xanh Club at Ngo Sy Lien Secondary School had a class about the topic of Atmosphere with the source lecturers and staffs of the Green Innovation and Development Center (GreenID).
Letter of Recommendation of 3 Alliances for the draft of PDP8: Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance (VSEA), Vietnam Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Alliance (NCDs-VN) and Vietnam Rivers Network (VRN)