Green Innovation and Development Centre


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Think globally - Act locally: Green Citizen Camp 2019

During 5 days 4 nights, fron 19th to 23rd, June, the Green Citizen Camps welcomed 49 young campers, who are secondary school students from different Northern cities and provinces, on a journey of learning about environmental issues and sustainable energy. The Green Citizen Camp is part of the E-Enhance project, funded by the European Union. The purpose of the camp is not only to create an environment where the students can freely learn and explore the Energy topic but also to let them learn and develop the Global Citizen skills in the most natural ways. Let’s look back and see what the young campers experienced during this journey?

  Lượt xem : 1658
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05 skills practiced by Pascal Secondary School students at the Green Star Club Meeting (May 23, 2019)

05 skills practiced by Pascal Secondary School students at the Green Star Club Meeting (May 23, 2019)

  Lượt xem : 1594
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Conference on the study in “Future employment and skills needed in Vietnam’s power sector

To conclude, the conference emphasized the importance of a transition toward renewable energy to job creation in Vietnam’s power sector in the future as well as the need for further multidisciplinary efforts from a wide range of stakeholders.

  Lượt xem : 1512
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04 remarkable facts of green school lauching events at Pascal Secondary School in Hanoi

On Monday, May 12, 2019, the Green School Launching Event took place, with the participation of more than 500 students and all of the Pascal Secondary School Board. Let's explore 04 remarkable facts about "Sharing and spreading green future" journey at this lovely school with GreenID, will you? ;)

  Lượt xem : 1476
Hình minh họa
Lauching Green School Program at Trung Hoa Secondary School, Hanoi

Within 2 hours, the launching ceremony of Green School took place, offering interesting presents: opportunities to experience the benefits of the energy model and discover the school's air quality through exciting group games; Dialogues between teachers, energy and air experts and students; Exhibits on green energy – clean air solutions…

  Lượt xem : 1790
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3rd Training of Trainer in Hanoi: Community Communication about Sustainable Energy

From 23rd to 24th, Febuary, 2019 in Hanoi, the 3rd training of trainers: community communication on sustainable energy was held following the 2nd training in Cu Pui, Krong Bong, Dak Lak in Octorber, 2018. The aim of this training are advancing both knowledge about sustainable energy models and training organizating skills for trainers. Thereby, we can achieve the goal training civil local social, professional organisations and promoting local initiatives about sustainable energy in 2019.

  Lượt xem : 1194