Green Innovation and Development Centre

Press Release

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Standard Chartered offers leadership on coal and climate change in key energy markets

“This is what leadership on coal and climate change looks like. Decisions about how the world sources its future energy needs will make or break our ability to contain global warming. Standard Chartered’s policy not only removes a critical source of finance for new coal power plants, but sends a powerful signal to its competitors.

  Lượt xem : 1353
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Boycott of the Pak Lay Dam Prior Consultation Process in Vientiance, Laos

Pak Lay is the fourth dam planned on the mainstream of the Lower Mekong Basin. The government of Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) is going to put this project into the Prior Consultation process with other members of the Mekong River Commission (MRC). This consultation is planned to be carried out after the construction of hydropower dams on the mainstream of the Mekong river, namely Xayaburi (2012), Don Sahong (2015) and Pak Beng (planned in 2017).

  Lượt xem : 2383
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A path to powering Vietnam without scrificing environment and people’s health

A Blueprint for Vietnam's Clean Energy Future launch

  Lượt xem : 2622
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Statement Southeast Asian CSOs and Movements on the UK-Canada Powering Beyond Coal Alliance

November 16, 2017 Statement Southeast Asian CSOs and Movements on the UK-Canada Powering Beyond Coal Alliance WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, welcome the initiative of developed countries led by UK-Canada in the launching of the ...

  Lượt xem : 1384
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PR - VIetnam Renewable Energy Week 2017 - Renewable Energy: Co- Benefits for Everyone

Hanoi – August 21st 2017, Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance (VSEA) in collaboration with Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) and Southwest Steering Committee organizes the Opening Ceremony of Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2017

  Lượt xem : 1739