Green Innovation and Development Centre

Training of Trainer: "Community Communication about Sustainable Energy"

  |   Author : Thanh Huyen

Training is never easy, but is a thing that GreenID choose to form and gather green pioneering seeds – the trainers stretching across the country, to multiply the power spreading of sustainable value to the rural, mountainous communities, the regions having difficulties in water, electricity accession.

Training is never easy, but is a thing that GreenID choose to form and gather green pioneering seeds – the trainers stretching across the country, to multiply the power spreading of sustainable value to the rural, mountainous communities, the regions having difficulties in water, electricity accession.

From 21st to 23rd, October, 2018, in Cu Pui commune, Krong Bong district, Dak Lak province, the second training of trainer courses “Community Communication on Sustainable Energy” took place lively, following the training course in Tam Dao, Vinh Phuc province in September – Training courses for advanced trainers about Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency which was held to choose outstanding groups spreading the application of energy models, solving community needs. Programs within the framework of "Civil Society meets renewable energy & energy efficiency" project, was initiated by Green Innovation and Development Centre (GreenID) with financial support of the European Union.

Overview of Training of Trainers

Training courses spreading over 3 days was designed in the learning cycle through experiences. It opened an opportunity for members to meet, apply theories into practice which had been cultivated for 5 days training in Tam Dao. Design the lectures and try teaching, organize direct media at village and in Highland Green media festival, develop work plan for the next period is 3 contents throughout the training course. It’s the first time for 26 trainees from 12 provinces stretching from northwest to Ca Mau land to reunite with the 12 members of local energy team (LET) and Energy experts of GreenID Vietnam such as Vo Thi Xuan Quyen - Project Coordinatoor & Communication Manager, Nguyen Thi Ha – Green Development Program Manager, Nguyen Thi quyen and Nguyen Thanh Uyen Nhu Project Officer in Dak Lak province.

The first day!

In the first days of training in project areas, more than 25 trainers and 12 members of Local Energy Team complete the plan to directly communicate about sustainable energy models in the community next day. Combining Local Energy Team with the pioneering trainers in the same classroom is a major challenge for GreenID. There is a diversity of age (20-65 years old), ethnic (Kinh, Hmong, Ede, Muong…), region (14 provinces throughout the country), knowledge, awareness, social behavior. We created a diverse space to challenge the coordination, ability to teamwork and explored individual strengths to promote equality, connection between trainees. The first day closed effectively after all groups practiced to teach, listened to the feedbacks from the energy expert of GreenID as well as other groups. Always listen willing to share and seriously learn are things that anyone can feel when taking part in or witnessing the progress of the funny class.

Dividing Local Energy Team into small groups to support the trainees

Experiment with Portable Lights

The second day – Let’s go!

The second day of the training was time of Connection and Spread. 37 members made Cu Pui green with 04 exciting media events attracting nearly 200 villagers of Dien Tan, Ea Ba, Ea Lang, Chu Rang. Chain of events made people in Cu Pui not only approach the knowledge of the energy model but also change thinking in using of energy. For the first time, trainees practiced communicating official in the community after 7 days with teamwork, lecture planning and exchanging experiences with local energy team members. For the first time, efforts and belief in the sustainable values of energy models were directly given to Cu Pui people. "I sign up for the improved stove for my family, for my wife's health." "I will use LEDs to save electricity for the family!...” These are responses from the villagers after the communication event. And GreenID believed that those had given much valuable emotion for our community lectures.

Community Communication in Ea Bar village, Cư Pui commune

Funny talk with the local during break time

Community media always need coordination with local resources. Pioneering trainees always define the spirit of learning, listening and sharing available experience to green media groups in Cư Pui. The involvement of local energy team helped the trainees understand target audience, erase local language barrier and connect villagers with new energy models which will soon become close in each roof of Cu Pui...

Community communication in Ea Bar village, Cu Pui commune with improved Cooker model

Flexibility in the choice of communication methods was what teachers experienced. Desire for local people to understand the benefits and actual applicability of the sustainable energy models stimulated the creativity of the trainers. Maximizing the visual model, increasing the experience in direct benefits of the available models in the community are factors that create belief for the locals. These delicious potato pots are cooked by improved stoves. Local people could see by their eyes, enjoyed hot potatoes and talked about the benefits of the stoves… We could see the gentle smiles, the bright eyes of trainees and we understand their happiness much more than anyone. We tried to open the space for trainees to practice, so that they brought the most authentic energy experience to the locals. Sustainable value is when the beauty is continued, spread, isn’t it?

Highland Green festival with more than 400 people in Cu Pui attending was time for communication messages about sustainable energy model to spread in both width and depth. 2-hour festival was very successful despite being rainy and lacking of sound, light conditions, other facilities…Mass media by lyrics, sings and comedies are forms of communication that the trainees chose to make green energy models closer with the locals in Tay Nguyen. Art performance in teabreaks, extremely creative poems, puzzles from these lessons through experience made a cultural festival close, lovely. The festival maximized the involvement of diverse stakeholders on the subject of Sustainable Energy: authorities, local people, local media groups, trainees, energy experts… Culture festival connected not only trainers with the locals, local energy team with other trainees in the class, but also brought sustainable energy closer to Cu Pui village.

Attractive comedy about the benefits of the improved Cooker modal in the festival

The smiles of the children of Cu Pui commune in the festival

Overview of the festiva in Cư Pui

Day 3 - new journey begins!

The last day of the training was time to look back on what the trainees had been experienced together, reminded lessons and orientation in the next period. 3 hours of the morning helped members of the training to discuss the content, strength and weakness and application of three methods of community communication together: personal communication, group communication, mass communication.

Trainees in the training of trainer course describe the "group communication" method through interactive theater

Hand of trainer writing the key message

Group spirit

The smiles of each trainees when returning “home” from 4 villages or sharing with other groups on their communication, the bright eyes sharing stories about electricity, water with the locals; the deep concern for the more complete communication sessions … As much as they shared, as much as happy they were. Our class started and maintained from the positive sharing, listening and learning together.

"Communication is the union of individuals in a large group." "Communication is "not leaving anyone behind", first of all, for your teammates." "Communication community, first of all, requires consensus and understanding in the team." These are lessons about teamwork that our GreenID's trainers send through the game during the final training session.

Last morning, trainers looked back the whole process of the training courses. At the time training courses ended, green seeds were ready to start their journeys to bring green energy to all regions of the country. "Spread and share" with the trainees, GreenID is really honored to be a partner and a connector.