Green Innovation and Development Centre
Recruit International Expert

International Expert to carry out Study on the best practices of dual use approaches in the field of Renewable energy development in Can Tho province, Vietnam

  Views : 1247
Recruit Vietnamese Researcher

TERMS OF REFERENCE Vietnamese Researcher to carry out Study on best practices of dual use approaches in the field of Renewable energy development in Can Tho province, Vietnam

  Views : 1332
GreenID Annual Report: Vietnam's independent energy mix powered by sun, wind and biomass

Our vision is to promote sustainable development for the citizens of Vietnam and the larger Mekong region that is based on green and innovative technologies and methods and improved governance ...

  Views : 1537
Working Meeting on Climate-Energy Roadmaps for Vietnam

On April 4th 2018, Cobenefits project’s researchers organized a working meeting, together with representative from different research institutes, consultants from development projects to discuss about the topic of “Climate-Energy Roadmaps ...

  Views : 1466
Backed by Banks, Vietnam Embraces Dirty Coal

A petition calling on several major Singaporean banks to end their funding of thermal power plants in developing nations like Vietnam and Indonesia has shed light on the complex, transnational nature of financing for such projects.

  Views : 2412